Avoid guardians of labyrinth, where the statue of the Spaida Frokk is located. Souls of previous visitors of an eldritch god are easier found by the sound of their wailes. These souls will be a great snack for your new friend.

Don't be greedy, and maybe you will survive the meeting.

Ah, also small salt path that you leave behind is much faster to travel. But it resets when you reach the center.

There are 3 small endings. Can you collect them all?

WASD to move. R to restart level.


Made the whole thing (art, music, sounds, code) myself, using some tutorials.
It is my first game.

Sounds - Audacity

Chiptune - BoscaCeoil

Art - Procreate

Code - Visual Studio Community C#


Game is intended for playing fullscreen. If you have problems with seeing the whole game, try pressing F11 (if you using chrome) and/or change scale of webpage (Ctrl -). In bottom right corner there you will find button to make the game fullscreen.

There can be bug with WebGL, which sometimes makes walls transparent. You can fix it by reloading the page.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withUnity

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